Confidantial (contact) person

If anything is troubling you which you want to discuss, Harambee offers 2 confidant contact persons available to speak with, Ronald Meijer at +31 6 12113214, and Franka van Jaarsveld at +31 6 46306411. They will help you with your next step. More information can be found here.

If you want, the University offers help in the form of the Student Affairs Coaching & Counseling (SACC). You can call them during office times at +31 53-4892035. When you call them either Caroline van Dijken, Anne-Marie Hoogland or Lucelle Dankbaar will answer your call and will help you further.

If your problem is more volleyball related, you can contact the Dutch Centre for Safe Sport (CVSN) at 0900 20 25 590 where multiple experts are at the ready to help you.