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Social Safety

Social Safety is important within Harambee. We want everybody to feel happy and safe within Harambee. If you ever have an unpleasant feeling within Harambee and you want to talk about it, then know that we have confidential contact persons for this, being Franka van Jaarsveld and Ronald Meijer. For more information, click here.

There is also an organization outside of the university, there is Centrum Veilige Sport Nederland. All of these people are there to talk with you and help you if there is anything that crosses borders for you. We want to encourage you to contact these people if you would like to.


New Matchshirt!

On the general assembly on the 2nd of may, the plan for the new match shirt has been approved. From next season on half of the Nevobo match teams will be playing in the new shirts. The design can be found below.


Candidate board 60th board known!

Hey Harambee!

We would like to introduce the 60th Candidate Board of V.V. Harambee!

Heyy everyone! My name is Cilla and I'm 22 years old. Currently I am studying the master Health Sciences and I am planning to finish it after my board year. I have been playing volleybal since I can remember. You may have seen me during some home weekends since I was in the Sfeer committee this year. I'm really looking forward to doing a board year next year and getting to know y'all!

Helloo, my name is Xander (Ralph) and I’m 20 years young. I do the bachelor Industrial engineering and management. I started playing volleyball last year, so I’m now a second year Harambeeer. Further i have been in several committees like BTC, TC, HKI, Sfeer and BHACie and next year im planning to the biggest committee: board. Hope to see you all soon in spc or the harambase :)

Heehee! My name is Anne and I’m 20 years old. Currently I am in my first year of Mechanical Engineering. I have been playing volleyball for as long as I can remember and this is my second year at Harambee. This year I have been active in several committees. I am really looking forward to becoming board next year and getting to know everyone!

Hello everyone!!, My name is Vince and I’m 22 years old. This year I have been finishing up my bachelor Health Sciences. I have been playing at Harambee for 3 years now, which I really enjoyed! I hope to see you all during the beach rounds, as I am organising the competition with the BCC. So come and hang out. I am excited to give it my all next year and to get to know you!

Hello!! My name is Maite, I’m 21 years old and in my second year of Construction Engineering. This year I played as a middle in Ladies 6. I have been playing volleybal at harambee for 4 years. This year I was in the Wham and I will be in the HKI and Lucie. I am excited to do become board after the summer and hope to see you all during our CoBo! 

Hey everybody! My name is Roel and I am 20 years old. I am currently in my second year of Creative Technology and this is also my second year at Harambee. I have never played volleyball before coming here, so lots to learn. I am looking forward to become your board next year! I hope to see all of you during the beach season and get to know everyone :)

From left to right: 

Cilla Kloosterman, Xander de Rooij, Anne Jans-Rat ,Vince van Trigt, Maite Oude Vrielink, Roel Verbraaken


New association room

Since this summer Harambee has it’s own boardroom (Bastille room 314). Feel free to check out our amazing association room🤩. There are a lot of games present in the association room and there is even a Wii! The board will be present in the association room every Monday till Friday. See the picture below for the exact opening hours.🕗

Next to that we are still looking for an awesome name for the room. So get your creativity out there and send the best name you can think of to bestuur@harambee.nl or tell it to us in person. We are looking forward to see what you come up with!✨

We hope to see a lot of you soon in the association room!💜🧡


Summer break

Hii all, 

As you might know there are no practices anymore due the summer break :( 
The training groups Ladies/Gents ABC will start again in week 32. All the other practices will start again in week 34. The exact schedule and groups will be send later. I hope we informed you well and enjoy the summer break :)

See you after the summer !!!!


Newest team blog posts

Low Hall Was Geen Lekker

Dear Barbies, In our first game vs flash stars this season, and our very first away game, the Kens were excited. Entering their hall, we noticed that the hall was quite low, and thought that this was simply a waiting room. The ceiling was low which made us... Read more

Heren 10 | 06-04-2024 | Match report

Wedstrijd voorbeschouwing

Dames en heren, jongens en meisjes, en omdat we in 2024 leven moet alles wat daar tussen in, buiten langs en niet geïdentificeerd is ook benoemd worden.   Het laatste thuisweekend staat weer voor de boeg, dat betekent dat wij nog een keer gaan knallen. O... Read more

Heren 3 | 06-04-2024

A tragic beach off

  Dear Barbies,We had a tough match this time. We barely lost the first set but we brought it back with a streak on 11-0 in the second set. But then after a lot of slip 'n slide due to their slippery halls in pathmos hall, we got disoriented and could not... Read more

Heren 10 | 06-04-2024 | Match report

Underdog Beach off

  Hey Barbies,Gents 11 fooled us into going out to party all day and night the day before our beach off. Us, Kens, took this opportunity upon ourselves and chugged all the beers in sight. Roel Ken ended up with at least a whole crate of chugs by the end o... Read more

Heren 10 | 06-04-2024 | Match report

Beaching off for the final time

Saturday the 6th, the date of the final beach off of the year. Unfortunately for the first time this season we had to miss Barbie Timon. So we lined up for the last time to win for Barbie Timon. Barbie Mikal lined us up and despite a slower start and some ... Read more

Heren 10 | 06-04-2024 | Match report
All team blog posts