⛩️ The first battle for Heren Samurein 🐱‍👤

On Saturday the 23rd of September, the first battle for Heren Samurein took place, against the second team of our neighbouring association in Borne, Apollo 8. The team was made ready for the start of a new season through three practice skirmishes in Borne, Enschede and Losser, under the supervision of Sensei Monica.

After the standard battle preparation, lunch while getting some inspiration from other teams, a long warming-up in the wooden halls and the stands slowly getting filled with enthusiastic Harambeeers, the first battle of the season was ready to start.

A solid performance on all components of classic Samurai battle (defense, offense, serve and block) resulted in a steady win in all 4 sets! The first enemy has been defeated and the first 5 points of the season are in the pocket. After the battle, the victors celebrated their win first with many kapsalons during a teamdate with Ladies 1 (thanks again Ladies 1 for the hospitality) and afterwards with ‘a few’ beers in the Vestingbar.

Thanks again for all the support and we hope to see you again at our next home game, on Saturday the 7th of October against Volga!

The leaves are falling,
A new season is calling,
Go for all the balls!

Heren Samurein

Game info

Home team Heren 1
Guest team Apollo 8 Heren 2
Date 23-09-2023 17:00
Type Reguliere wedstrijd
Location Universitair Sportcentrum
Drienerlolaan 5
7522NB Enschede
Result 4 - 0
Sets 25-19, 25-18, 25-13, 25-21