Sometimes you just need to win

We started the day with half the team doing a bar shift at 08:00. Slightly regretting the early shift it was still fun to do! After that, we started the match which was everything but inspiring. We played against Webton, who we won 0-4 against last time. The only thing we remembered vividly from that match was their coach, who kept the ball with him way too long and came into the field often. He did that this game as well, so nothing interesting or new there. 

The sets were also not interesting, we won them all. The hardest task today was to not become lazy in the field, because that was our greatest problem. Luckily, we did not give in and still won every set. Happy with our win, 4-0, which did not happen the last few matches, it was the task of the rest of the team to do the bar shift of 13:00. In this bar shift it became clear that some people are still a little sjaars. Next time, if you ask her for 2 bitterballen, you will get 2 bitterballen and not two portion, be aware of this!!


Our opponent would be better at football

So, who are we gonna call?

They most just VV drienerlo

Hup hup, ladies 7 ‘vo!

Hope to see you February 17th, y’all!

Game info

Home team Dames 7
Guest team Webton Hengelo Dames 5
Date 27-01-2024 11:00
Type Reguliere wedstrijd
Location Universitair Sportcentrum
Drienerlolaan 5
7522NB Enschede
Result 4 - 0
Sets 25-11, 25-22, 25-18, 25-21