All team blog posts of Harambee

The disaster at Denekamp

On Friday the 29th we got our orders. We were to head out to Denekamp and destroy our enemy: TiMaX/DeVoKo Heren 1! Getting in our highly mobile vehicles we encountered very little resistance on our way there, and we managed to take the enemy by surprise. The Denekampers quickly recovered and surprised us by hammering us in the first two sets. In the third set we tasted blood, the old men were tired and we were ready to strike! We managed to get a huge lead (15-05). Our first set of the season got thrown in ... Read more

Heren 7 | 09-10-2023 | Match report

Catastrophic beachlanding against Eurosped Pollux

Our landing at the start of the season began with a match against Eurosped Pollux. We had to wait a bit longer than expected because all the teams playing before us decided that it was a nice idea to have a fifth set. In the first set, we started off fine being the first to reach 25 points! Our opponent had 24 points at the time and managed to beat us in this set. The 'beating us' part continued for the rest of the match, but we did come up with a great yell. After the match, we had a delightful teamdate wi... Read more

Heren 7 | 09-10-2023 | Match report

First win of the season

Harambee HS 2 VS Eurosped Pollux HS 1        3-1      25-18, 22-25, 25-15, 25-13 As our oponents were placed similarly to us in the league, this was an important match for us to establish our position in our pool. From the beggining we felt confident that we could take the fight to them, rather than have to respond to their performance. Keeping energies high throughout the match, led us to conquering our first victory. In the last two sets we took complete control over the match and left Eurosped Pol... Read more

Heren 2 | 06-10-2023 | Match report

Swieber stole all our stuff!

On the lovely evening of Friday the 29th of September, ladies 7 had a match plannend against Devoc Dames 4 in Delden. With the winning of 4-0 of the last match in their mind, there was a lot of good hopes for winning this match too.  But then suddenly some weird things were happening with some stuff of us… We almost forgot our balls?! We had to make a little detour but eventually almost all of us made it to the train. Except for Merijn and Janneke who had to get the balls. What a filthy move of you Swieb... Read more

Dames 7 | 05-10-2023 | Match report

⛩️ Tight fight at Deventer Dojo

On a sunny Saturday afternoon the brave warriors of Harambee men's 1 gathered for a journey towards Deventer Dojo. A battle on the volleyball court awaits us. Our opponent, Avior men's 2, greets us with familiarity in the form of Leon. The first set began with Avior men's 2 looking quite ready for the fight, launching powerful attacks and sharp strikes that pierced through the Harambee defense. With their valiant efforts to fend off every assault, Harambee veiled through with a blocking frenzy and stopped m... Read more

Heren 1 | 03-10-2023 | Match report

Limited space for beautiful peaks

After playing our first match last week, we have now completed our second match, which also happened to be our first away game. Just like you cannot start preparing for Christmas early enough, we arrived at the hall in Saasveld well in time. However, the door was still locked, and the key had to be fetched first. This did not deter us from starting our own Christmas party; while we waited outside, the first notes of "All I Want for Christmas" filled the air. As we were changing inside, we added to our wish ... Read more

Dames 3 | 02-10-2023

Missing Man Mystery

Rivo-Harambee 2  4-0  27-25 25-15 25-14 25-20 The team was already aware that our opponents were formidabile, especially after their showing against Heren 3 last week. Despite specialized preparations to deal with their squad we still faced issues dealing with their team, who was already more experienced playing with eachother. Despite this, and the loss of every set in the match, we identified that the team continues to make steady progress and improvements. Each game we feel a little more cohesive. In m... Read more

Heren 2 | 02-10-2023 | Match report

Sprint Race Oldenzaal Grand Prix 2023

Welcome to the race report of the first sprint race of this season. Despite being called a sprint race, this race also offered the opportunity to earn 5 points. The two teams that started on pole position were the always cheerful and best-dressed team of Harambee, known as Ferradrie, and the impressive courreurs from Eurospet in Oldenzaal. After filling up the engines with some high-octane fuel, the cars were ready to show us their F1-like pace as they headed to the opponents' circuit for the first time thi... Read more

Heren 3 | 01-10-2023 | Match report

⛩️ The first battle for Heren Samurein 🐱‍👤

On Saturday the 23rd of September, the first battle for Heren Samurein took place, against the second team of our neighbouring association in Borne, Apollo 8. The team was made ready for the start of a new season through three practice skirmishes in Borne, Enschede and Losser, under the supervision of Sensei Monica. After the standard battle preparation, lunch while getting some inspiration from other teams, a long warming-up in the wooden halls and the stands slowly getting filled with enthusiastic Harambe... Read more

Heren 1 | 01-10-2023 | Match report

Start of something new🧡💜

For the first time this season ladies 5 school musical had a match. That started with a nice dinner together at Esther’s house, after which we took the touristic route to the beautiful little town of Bentelo. After arriving, our hungover coach first wanted a cup of coffee before we changed. While enjoying the beautiful playlist of high school musical we prepared for our first match. We were hyped!!!!   Unfortunately we lost 3-1 but we had a really nice match together. Even the shitty floor could not ruin... Read more

Dames 5 | 29-09-2023 | Match report

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