
H1 1 of 10
H2 3 of 10
H3 6 of 10
H4 9 of 10
H5 7 of 8
H6 1 of 9
H7 8 of 9
H8 7 of 9
H9 1 of 10
H10 9 of 10
H11 2 of 10
D1 9 of 10
D2 10 of 10
D3 10 of 10
D4 6 of 8
D5 2 of 8
D6 3 of 8
D7 9 of 9
D8 5 of 10
M1 4 of 6
M2 1 of 6
M3 6 of 6
M4 4 of 6
M5 3 of 6
M6 1 of 6
M7 3 of 6
M8 3 of 6
M9 2 of 6
M10 6 of 6
M11 5 of 6
M12 6 of 6
XR1 6 of 8
XR2 8 of 8

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28-02 Mix Ronde
06-03 Stapavond
07-03 Thuisweekend
14-03 HaramBIX
21-03 MIX Finale

View full calendar


Social Safety

Social Safety is important within Harambee. We want everybody to feel happy and safe within Harambee. If you ever have an unpleasant feeling within Harambee and you want to talk about it, then know that we have confidential contact persons for this, being Franka van Jaarsveld and Ronald Meijer. For more information, clickย here.

There is also an organization outside of the university, there isย Centrum Veilige Sport Nederland. All of these people are there to talk with you and help you if there is anything that crosses borders for you. We want to encourage you to contact these people if you would like to.


Lustrum merchandise

Do you want to shine just as bright as Harambee this year?โœจ Then this is your moment! Harambee celebrates it's 60th birthday and therefore the new lustrum merchandise has dropped! ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’œ

You can order your brand new outfit via this following link: lustrum merchandiseย 


Newest team blog posts

โ€œAmor amor, lieve amor!โ€ ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹

Misschien was u op de hoogte, het is Valentijnsdag vandaag! Wij zwijmelende en romantisch verslaafde biggetjes moeten deze feestdag natuurlijk uitgebreid vieren. En hoe doe je dat beter dan met een teamdate met H6?ย  ย  Dit liefdevolle verhaal begint op Ca... Read more

Dames 3 | 14-02-2025 | Match report


๐ŸŽค๐ŸŽผ๐ŸŽท๐ŸŽป๐ŸŽธ๐Ÿช—๐ŸŽท๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ ย  Welkom, welkom bij het teamweekend van Dames 3 biggetjes! ๐ŸŽถ Welkom, welkom, wat hadden we plezier!๐ŸŽต Welkom, welkom, bij het teamweekend van Dames 3 biggetjes!๐ŸŽถ Lees nu alles hieerrrr! ๐ŸŽต ย  Zag je ooit, al... Read more

Dames 3 | 03-02-2025 | Match report

Epische comeback๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž

Heyyy girlypops, Na de winst van vorige week, begonnen we met goede moed aan de wedstrijd tegen mix 11. We verloren gelijk de eerste set. Die klapt wel ff binnen. Maar toen.... stond het opeens 2-1 voor ons. Dus wij dachten: gemakkelijk peezy citroen knijp... Read more

Mix 3 | 31-01-2025 | Match report

Niets te verliezen

Vandaag hebben we gespeeld tegen Devoc dames 1. De vorige keer was een van onze eerste wedstrijden. Wat we vooral nog wisten van de vorige wedstrijd was de lange dia die behoorlijk hard balletjes in de grond kan timmeren. Echter, was ze wel heel aardig, en... Read more

Dames 3 | 26-01-2025 | Match report

Gents 1 final game before Christmas against Time Out'75

With only one game left before Christmas, Gents 1 only lost 4 sets in the 3rd division so far. The last game of the year would probably be a difficult one, as previous years the battle in Diepenheim against Time Outโ€™75 always turned out to be an exciting... Read more

Heren 1 | 18-01-2025 | Match report
All team blog posts