All team blog posts of Harambee

New Year fulled with second chances

Aloha reader(s), Last Saturday it was time for the first match of the second half of the competition, where we will face all our opponents again. Since we did not manage to win very many sets in the first half, 5 to be exact, we thought we could start the year well against Twente-Sparta. Although the last time we had played against them we had lost 0-4, during the cup matches we had won one set from them. Moreover, today we were complete as a team, which had happened once before this season, namely in the o... Read more

Dames 2 | 15-01-2025 | Match report

Debuten & tradities

Om te compenseren voor het boek van eergister, houden we het vandaag kort.    Huh? Op zondag een wedstrijd?! Ja ja, dames 3 heeft het weer voor elkaar! Maar, dit was niet een zomaar een wedstrijd, dit was de spannendste wedstrijd van het jaar!    Zo mochten de biggetjes het opnemen tegen de Hawaiaanse dames 2 (+ 2 califournian girls). Even een kleine spoiler: de biggetjes hebben elke set de 25 punten aangetikt!!!! Hebben ze een set gewonnen? Nee.. dat niet…    “Waar komt dit succes ineens vandaan?... Read more

Dames 3 | 12-01-2025

Seesaw game against Tornax

The game against Tornax on their home ground was a seesaw game, with us winning the first, third, and fifth set, while the opponents won the sescond and fourth sets. From this game the team realized that it is important to manage consistency throughout a match. We were crushing the enemy in one set, and then faltering and tripping on our own feet the other. This is still a 4 point win for Gents 3, but the team wants to get as many 5 point wins in the future as possible.... Read more

Heren 3 | 12-01-2025 | Match report

De fout van heren 2

Hoe succesvol de stapavond gister was, hoe waardeloos deze wedstrijd was. Laten we bij het begin beginnen.    Eerst waren de biggetjes welkom in Lianne’s nieuwe crib, waar een heerlijk brouwsel was voorbereid. Echter kon er niet besloten worden of dat dit brouwsel onder de naam “pan lasagne” of “lasagne soep” voort moest gaan.    Vervolgens stuitten de biggetjes op het eerste probleem van de avond. Hoe komen we allemaal op de wedstrijd locatie? Nu denkt u misschien: “huh, het was toch een th... Read more

Dames 3 | 10-01-2025 | Match report

Our cup match jounrey continues

On the 18th of December, Heren 1 played another round in the cup match against a promotie class team - Dros-Alterno HS 3. It was a perfect opportunity to have a game before meeting Time-Out 75 HS1 for the last match of the calendar year. The game began well, and we had a good lead, we had a good passing, were scoring well, however struggled in blocking and defending. We managed to make things especially interesting, allowing our opponents to tie the score at 23:23. This is the type of suspenseful game Wybre... Read more

Heren 1 | 21-12-2024

Solid 5 points against Skopein Wivoc HS1

A warm welcome to all our readers. Today we are back to give an overview of the recent games the fighters of Harambee Heren 1 have had. Starting things off with a home match, that almost did not happen, against Skopein Wivoc HS1. Our opponent wanted to cancel the game due to injuries and lack of players, however, we were already in the mindset of playing and did not want to cancel. On the game day we were unsure whether our opponent would even show up. To our fortune, they did show, but only with 6 players.... Read more

Heren 1 | 21-12-2024

Our first loss of the season

Already a week after our previous game, we were faced against Monica’s arch-nemesis, Fysio Aastad HS1. The far fetching rivalry promised a good game full of fighting and that it was. The game started off with trading points, after which Wybren went off on a 6-point serving-spree, extending our lead to 7:1. However, unable to score, we gave away our lead and gave the opponent a fighting chance. In the middle of the set we managed to get ahead once more, having a 5-6-point lead. Winning the initial set felt... Read more

Heren 1 | 21-12-2024

The match with unusual substitutions

Aloha reader(s), Saturday December 7th, we had to play a match against Apollo 8 DS5. There was a lot of audience for encouragement, partly because it was home weekend, but also because Apollo had brought quite some spectators from Borne. During the cup games we had already played against them, in which we had lost 3-0 (25-19, 25-18, 25-18). So, we knew it was going to be a tough match, in which there was not much room to fall behind. Fortunately, we played a nice match, in which mainly the service was not s... Read more

Dames 2 | 13-12-2024 | Match report

Match rhythm is just not our thing

Aloha reader(s), On Friday, November 29, it was time for our away match against Kuipers Flevoll Ladies 2. This match occurred later in the evening, so after dinner, there was plenty of time for a nice game with everyone. Once we were done with that, it was time to make our way to the match location. After changing clothes, we could start the warm-up. Here it turned out that the referee was not good at watching the clock, and we are not talking about the fact that the clock in that hall had not yet been mov... Read more

Dames 2 | 13-12-2024 | Match report

A final push is needed

On the 7th of December our team was designated with the duty to protect our home grounds against the third place in the Promotion B class. The team was dedicated to win, regardless of the current positioning of the league teams. The game started smoothly, with us winning the first set. However, some things went wrong and we started to trip over ourselves, losing the next two sets. Winning the 4th set, we knew that victory was close. However, in a close game of 14-14, we lost 2 points and the game was over i... Read more

Heren 3 | 11-12-2024 | Match report

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