All team blog posts of Harambee
Low Hall Was Geen Lekker
Dear Barbies, In our first game vs flash stars this season, and our very first away game, the Kens were excited. Entering their hall, we noticed that the hall was quite low, and thought that this was simply a waiting room. The ceiling was low which made us think we were in the wrong hall but there was a ladies volleyball training that also took what felt like forever to finish so we mustve been in the right place.We finally got into the game and were baffled that they were only setting to one guy without a ... Read more
Wedstrijd voorbeschouwing
Dames en heren, jongens en meisjes, en omdat we in 2024 leven moet alles wat daar tussen in, buiten langs en niet geïdentificeerd is ook benoemd worden. Het laatste thuisweekend staat weer voor de boeg, dat betekent dat wij nog een keer gaan knallen. Om nog wat extra energie er in te steken gaan wij vandaag eens een voorbeschouwing doen van de wedstrijd tegen Aastad. Beginnend met wat feitjes over Aastad: - oorsprong uit Almelo - Niet dood gevonden worden - thuis track is een bunker - de douches zijn... Read more
A tragic beach off
Dear Barbies,We had a tough match this time. We barely lost the first set but we brought it back with a streak on 11-0 in the second set. But then after a lot of slip 'n slide due to their slippery halls in pathmos hall, we got disoriented and could not see the goal anymore and threw the set. It was all downhill from there with our morale low and thisseas leaving to go play a table tennis match. With that our spirits were destroyed, but we at least had gents 2 in our hearts to support on the field right ... Read more
Knock'ed Out '75
Hey Barbies,We got to rematch the #1 of our pool unfortunately. This time with 5 middles and 1 outsider and 1 diagonal. We were scared almost sure to lose quickly. We got owned before even with our best team. But we showed them what we got! Our middles were more capable than ever adapting to the situation and slamming balls in like there is no tomorrow, which secured us the first set. But we lost a little bit of that fire with our insecurity of having one outside player. However, we lost the other 3 sets un... Read more
Underdog Beach off
Hey Barbies,Gents 11 fooled us into going out to party all day and night the day before our beach off. Us, Kens, took this opportunity upon ourselves and chugged all the beers in sight. Roel Ken ended up with at least a whole crate of chugs by the end of the day. It was not our best game to say the least. We lost 1 set to the underdogs which made us lose our confidence. We didnt know 2 dutch Harambeers had the power of a stereo surround sound system in SC4. At the end, we are happy we didnt end up puking... Read more
The last home victory for ladies 7!!
This Saturday it was already time for the last home match of the season, snik snik. With almost everyone present, we were ready to make it a super fun match. With still the spirit of ‘getting everything out of your contribution’ we needed to make it the longest match ever. Luckily, the opponent helped us with that by taking very slow with getting the ball everytime. The first set we decided to make it very spannie, and so we won with 25-23. However we needed to put more agression in the game, and w... Read more
Rollen zijn omgedraaid
Dames en heren, en het zelfde wat ik in de voorbeschouwing gezegd heb. We did it!!! Wij hadden het meeste plezier!!! Aan de tribune te zien is een heel uitgebreid wedstrijd verslag niet noodzakelijk. Bijna alle ttouae supporters zijn gespot tussen de wezens uit Almelo. Wel zal ik mijzelf erbij moeten naaien... Een aantal weken terug schreef ik over een bal die het universum in geslagen is bij de eerste wedstrijd tegen heren 2. Hier zou ik graag op terug willen komen. Vandaag was namelijk de dag ... Read more
Geen mini van de week
De achterhoek. Altijd leuk. Wij helemaal klaar om de mini van de week kapot te slaan. Blijkt dat ze Gemini van de week hebben... Read more
Vrivo. Opnieuw. Nu thuis.
Daar gaan we. We zijn er weer bij en dat is prima. Na kleine opstart problemen zijn we er echt prima bij en pakken we ruuuiiiiim de overwinning ... Read more
Beaching off for the final time
Saturday the 6th, the date of the final beach off of the year. Unfortunately for the first time this season we had to miss Barbie Timon. So we lined up for the last time to win for Barbie Timon. Barbie Mikal lined us up and despite a slower start and some balls that the opponent definitely shouldn't have touched we beat them pretty convincingly. Then Barbie Mikal made some small adjustments and other Ken reinforcements arrived on the field. Twente was finally somewhat warmed up and gave us a bit of a fight,... Read more