Gents 5 - Time Out '75

The date is the 21st of October,

With not quite a full team (we were with seven), we travelled to Diepenheim. Here we played against the 3rd team of Time Out ’75. Due to the large selection of players to his disposal, our coach had to be creative and implemented a tactical strategy for switching out players and positioning the players on other positions.

In the first set we did not start off strong and introduced the first few positioning errors, the first motive that arised in the first half of the match. The second was the sheer amount of service mistakes. The set ended with us losing it.

In the second set we did better, if my memory serves me well, we started this set with a lead. Which turned into equal points for a big portion of the set. But in the end still lost it.

In the third set we did not improve at the beginning and again lost the set. In the final set they started off with a lead, but after a long service chain we came close, but still lost.


Since these events happened two weeks ago, the next matched we played was last week against Devoc HS 2 (of which the blog post should be up simultaneously as this one). To end off and to make this blog post a bit more relevant I created the poem such that they interconnect.


Most at home when we are not, …

To Diepenheim we went, …

Nothing we got, …

Wedstrijd info

Thuis team Time Out'75 Heren 3
Gast team Heren 5
Datum 21-10-2022 20:30
Type Reguliere wedstrijd
Locatie Universitair Sportcentrum
Drienerlolaan 5
7522NB Enschede
Uitslag 4 - 0
Sets 25-17, 25-19, 25-20, 25-23