Campus update 03/12/2022
Dear students,
We would like to give a short summary of all activities that were planned on the 3rd of December.
10.00 | We had game supervision duty, so around 10 am we started with setting up two fields and hanging the banners while standing on top of a "kast*" (and not on a "bok*").
11.00 | Around 11 am ladies 4 had their match. Although we we quite happy with the heights of the nets, it turned out their net was a few inches short. After this slight mishap was fixed we cheered them on from the stand, however we are sad to inform that one member of our community could not help himself to also cheer for the opposing team.
13.00 | Following the match of ladies 4, were the matches of ladies 6 and gents 9 & 11, which we also cheered on from the stand, while having lunch there.
15.00 : OUR MATCH | Around 3 pm it was time for our own match against Wevo 70, we had to do this time without both our outsides and two of our middle attackers, hence we had once again evoke our close ties to the millitary (gents 6) and ask for the aid of Mr. van Tuil for one of the outside spots and Mr. Meijerman on libero to have our own libero fill in the other outside spot, the remaining middle position was solved internally by our two opposites / ex-middles.
set 1 | We had a rough start as the match started with losing the first few points, however we shortly after were able to recover, stealing their energy and winning the set.
set 2 | We continued this energy let the opponent not score more than 10 points.
set 3 | The third set took an unexpected turn as we started in a 6 - 2 system, after a lot of confusion and a loss in a positive atmosphere, we started losing a lot of points. Terefore we returned to a 5 - 1 system. Sadly it was not enough to give us our confidence back and we lost the set.
set 4 | The last set we brougt again in a lot of energy and won the set, hence winning the match.
This concludes the summary.
Next weekend we play another home match, this time against WVC Volley.
Next we want to bring your attention to the following: We've lost our barpas, if you have any information on its wherabouts we would like you to contacts us; a notable feature of our pas is on the back in orange (nailpolish) is written 'Heren 5'.
The blog more in style of the league
A match won with little fatigue
The paths we crossed
The pas we've lost
Time for the gala in a week
~ Fivy League 🌿
*a good english translation of these gymnastics apparatus could not be found