Alle team blog posts van Harambee

Way to early

Sorry it's an rijmpje, so it will not work in English. Sorry for that, next time it will be readable in English too.   Wat een race wat een race.   Voor velen ging de wekker al om 9 uur. Om vervolgens te gaan ontbijten zonder frituur. Rustig de tijd genomen, Toch heeft het ons mogen overkomen.   3-1 verlies is er genoteerd, Sector 3 was wat ons hartje begeert. Sector 1 en 2 was de warming-up En sector 4 was de drup.   Paasjes kwamen niet aan,  De setters konden de ballen zoeken, ergens op de maan. Als ... Lees meer

Heren 3 | 02-03-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

Spannie match

On the bright early Saturday morning, some a little hangover, we had to start the most exciting match of the season. Namely, against the number 1! Since we really wanted to win, we asked the association to come and cheer us on with great success! During the first set, the crowd slowly grew. In the first set it was already visible how exciting the match would become since it could be seen we are equal to each other... Unfortunately, the first set was lost, however, this gave the team and the crowd more motiv... Lees meer

Dames 7 | 18-02-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

Verenigingskraker 2.0

!!English below!! Geachte bloglezers van deze week, ofja eigenlijk over vorige week. Bij deze wil ik jullie welkom heten bij het wedstrijd verslag tegen de hondjes van Harambee. Om een eer aan heren 2 te dienen zal dit verslag geschreven worden in de stijl van het gemiddelde wedstrijdverslag van de hondjes met de staart tussen de benen. Onwennig starten aan de eerste set resulteerde in een score van 19-25 voor de hondjes, de staart begon weer te kwispelen en de ballen werden gegooid en opgehaald als nooit t... Lees meer

Heren 3 | 02-02-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

Sometimes you just need to win

We started the day with half the team doing a bar shift at 08:00. Slightly regretting the early shift it was still fun to do! After that, we started the match which was everything but inspiring. We played against Webton, who we won 0-4 against last time. The only thing we remembered vividly from that match was their coach, who kept the ball with him way too long and came into the field often. He did that this game as well, so nothing interesting or new there.  The sets were also not interesting, we won the... Lees meer

Dames 7 | 31-01-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

The Dog and the Horse

H3 VS H2 19-25, 20-25, 25-21, 18-25 A match the whole team had been looking forward to after our defeat last semester. This was an opportunity to show our growth not only in terms of our skills but also in attitude. Compared to our last match, the team was far more controlled emotionally, and was able to come back even from some slow starts. At the same time I would like to commend the effort of Heren 3 as they fought very hard the entire match, giving us an incredible run from our money.   Set 1: In the f... Lees meer

Heren 2 | 25-01-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

Our last time in Langeveen

This week we had to go to Langeveen again, pffff. For those who don’t know: if you have to go to Langeveen, you have to drive 45 minutes to arrive in a tiny town. The sports hall is located in a primary school and is very small. The ceiling is low and the space next to the fields is very limited. This is why we were not excited to go there, but of course, we do everything no for a nice game of volleyball.  Before the match we had a lovely dinner at Janneke’s house. It was especially lovely because as w... Lees meer

Dames 7 | 25-01-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

New Year New Us

After a rough start in the second division of the mix competiion at the end of last year, we came into our match against mix 8 with some new year's resolutions: - never give up - always go for the ball - always attack - break fewer collarbones Going into the match with these goals in mind, we started off on fire with perfect passes, blocks and attacks, living up to our new year's resolutions. We crushed our opponent 9-25 in the first set. Easy pitcher, or so we thought. In the second set, our opponent regai... Lees meer

Mix 7 | 21-01-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

punten of pinten, we are happy with both

!!!Englisch below!!!Dag dames en heren, jongens en meisjes en alles wat daar tussen in valt maar ook net daarbuiten. Het is weer tijd voor uw bijna wekelijkse dosis onzin en dwaasheid gepresenteerd door de wedstrijdleiding en commentatoren van de FIA. Zaterdag 13 januari was het dan zo ver, met de winterstop in het achterhoofd, meerdere testdagen in het geschied en verse nieuwe bijgetankte brandstof in de vorm van oliebollen mochten de motoren van het paradeplate van harambee weer eens ronken. Zoals de naam... Lees meer

Heren 3 | 20-01-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

Ladies 7 strikes again!

Dear reader,   Today’s match was against Devoc ladies 4. Last time we won 2-3 against them, so it was likely going to be an exciting match. Well, spoiler alert, we totally smashed them away.  The match started off very evenly until we got to 24-24. We knew we were better, but because we wanted to give them some hope we let them win the first set. It was all tackics of course. Their spirits were now very high, meaning we could burn them down even more.  So, that’s what we did in the second set. In the... Lees meer

Dames 7 | 13-01-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

Cheerleaders Ladies 2 destroying Apollo8 in Borne after night of drinking

Hey there! Well, let me tell you about the epic volleyball showdown we had in Borne against Apollo8 Dames 6. Picture this: Harambee Ladies 2, decked out in our cheerleader-themed gear, brought the party to the court during our team weekend in Denekamp.   Now, you know it's a special game when the whole squad shows up ready to play after a night of partying. Our coach, Philip, was off doing his thing in another game, but that didn't stop us. We were on fire!   The game kicked off with us dominating the fir... Lees meer

Dames 2 | 27-12-2023 | Wedstrijdverslag

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