Only a little bit more Energy!
Finally, after a week of "resting", we had a match with the presence of our ninja Coach Kay! As a regular preparation for the match (forget about the long warm-ups, some members were even late for a short one!), we had a filling dinner at Yasmin's place. Kudos go to chef Anna! One of the team members (Sevinj) proved to be an actual turtle by being 15 mins late to the dinner. But no worries, she cleaned all the dishes and we made it to the match!
As opposed to the first game, we had exactly 6 players on the field and that meant a lot of playing, fun and NO INJURY permitted!!
The game started quite interesting. It was a head-to-head set thanks to killer serves by Anna, good blocks by Yasmin and a few LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT-BOOMs! Unfortunately, there was something missing to win the set so we lost it 19-25. We don't want to recall set 2 (but do we even remember what happened in that set?!) so better skip it (12-25) :D
We tried to make a come back in the rest of the game, and guess what? We were almost there but the miscommunication and tension (and of course, they had some good deep attacks) in set 3 played against us and we lost 17-25. We needed only a little bit of energy to win a set and with good ball saves by Sanne we made it even further to the end of the set and played a good game! (21-25). We almost had everything to win a set but there was something definitely missing and we will figure that out soon by playing more and listening to our Master Splinter ;)
Meanwhile, we do not forget the enormous remote support of our newly turned into Spanish Ninja Turtle Annika, our water supplier Ninja Turtle Shuyu and our after match energy source - blueberry muffins and banana bread!!