🧡Yearbook💜 2023-2024

The holidays have started and that means the study season has ended (for most of you) We hope you now have time to make an amazing piece for the yearbook. Attached you can find an example. The board will use the holidays to make a yearbook to remember last season. All of you can get a yearbook as well!! (for free😱🤑) However, it is hard to make a yearbook without pieces from you! So we want to ask you to take a few minutes of your day and make a piece for the yearbook about your team(or ask someone else). It would be a shame if your team is not in the yearbook😓. Hope to see all your pieces appear soon!

Please sign up so we know how many copies to make.

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🧡Yearbook💜 2023-2024
14-08-2024 12:00