Alle team blog posts van Harambee

A copy of the other one 🧡

As you must understand🫶🏼, in group 1 we are very busy with learning the difference between a circle🟧 and a square🟣, and how to eat without slurping and munching🍽️. You know, the usual stuff🐅. So the teamblog is late. So don't cry!!!😭⛔ Because we won!!!!!!😎🥇 Just like last time against the orange ladies (* read this in Carien voice *: ORANGEEEEEEEEUH🧡) lost from us with 3-2.🏁 And 3-2 = 1, so actually, we should be on the first place after this game.😱1️⃣👁️ In t... Lees meer

Dames 1 | 30-03-2023 | Wedstrijdverslag

Who does that?😒

Now very quickly🏃🏽‍♀️ after our game against the orange ladies (* read this in Carien voice *: ORANGEEEEEEEEUH🧡), we had to play another game on a Monday evening.🥱💤 Who does that?😒 So we had to drive for ONE HOUR1️⃣, which is SIXTY MINUTES6️⃣0️⃣, which is DEFINITELY TOO LONG FOR A GAME ON MONDAY EVENING.😤 Yes, your favourite group 1 was not happy and also not so awake🗯️. We started at 20:30h = almost bedtime.🛌🏼 The yellow ladies were there with a completely ... Lees meer

Dames 1 | 30-03-2023 | Wedstrijdverslag

Revenge in a bigger hall

With a Friday evening match and the peaky-nineders you never know what you’re going to get. Especially when facing a higher ranked team which beat us 4-0 in our previous encounter. We had long started our warming up when the opponent was yet to be seen. The intimidation in the away match earlier this season had clearly paid off as they started the match without halve of their team being present. The intimidation and loud chanting in the tiny hall in Langeveen worked so well that they only arrived when the... Lees meer

Heren 9 | 29-03-2023 | Wedstrijdverslag

Finally not an old team

Still recovering from our game the day before and without our trusted captain Stef we got on our bikes and headed to the sportscentre. The opponent was fearful of our razor lined caps and had tried to postpone the match. Lennart convinced them that facing gents 9 is a hard task no matter what day they played us, so they might as well get it over with. Upon arriving at the sportscentre and starting our warming up we were delighted to see a team in our poule that wasn’t filled with old guys. As it was the f... Lees meer

Heren 9 | 29-03-2023 | Wedstrijdverslag

Close battle in Diepenheim

After a drive to the small village of Diepenheim and searching for the sportscenter we got into the warming up. Time out tried to unsettle us by playing loud music during the warming up but the peaky nineders are hardly unsettled by some music. As our coaches could not be present we had Wesley as a coach. Wesley rewarded Stef and Tommie, for their great performance in the vestingbar the evening before, by making them starters. For Stef this did not last long as within the first set he landed on the foot of ... Lees meer

Heren 9 | 29-03-2023 | Wedstrijdverslag

Born for president

We played against team 6 today. Sadly born got injured badly during the training few weeks back and therefore couldnt play. Yet he always showed up to every match and supported us with his whoo whoo and made us win today with 3-1!!!   ... Lees meer

Mix 11 | 24-03-2023 | Wedstrijdverslag


Very easy match not even close. they are the most fun team to play against though 😀 Sebastian trekt een bak!!🍺🍻🍺... Lees meer

Mix 11 | 24-03-2023 | Wedstrijdverslag

Close, closer, Mix 11

We came, we saw, we won. Or so did Mix 11 think. After aceing the first set and destroying them in the second, people already started to celebrate. But then the eggs appeared and everything changed. Mix 12 was powered by the eggs while Mix 11 was fearing the punishment. And with each lost set, the eggs became bigger in Mix 11's face. One would say too big because before TJ could see a volleyball, the last set was gone. Gone... everything. Only the eggs on our backs stayed! ~TJ... Lees meer

Mix 11 | 24-03-2023 | Wedstrijdverslag

Bouw echt verschrikkelijk

We lost against team 3, i have no clue how they did it. We were 11 2 in front, in the 5 set. But somehow lost. The blame goes to Born he did not cheat us on enough, the whole team tracks a bak... Lees meer

Mix 11 | 16-03-2023 | Wedstrijdverslag

Donderdagavond: wedstrijd in plaats van Vestingbar

In plaats van donderdagavond in de Vestingbar rond te dansen, moesten de prinsesjes nu een wedstrijd spelen. Op naar Den Ham dus; gezellig drie kwartier met z’n allen in de auto zitten. We moesten tegen HVC die al tweede stonden in de stand, dus het beloofde een leuke uitdaging te worden. Eerst eten bij Merijn thuis – lekker dichtbij want op campus – en met een toetje (vla, om precies te zijn), dus iedereen helemaal blij want goede toetjes zijn een zeldzame luxe als skere student. Daarna gezellig met ... Lees meer

Dames 6 | 16-03-2023 | Wedstrijdverslag

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