Alle team blog posts van Harambee
Cadeau van de Sint
Na twee weken was het alweer tijd, Opnieuw tegen SVH een wedstrijd. De vorige keer hadden we 4-0 tegen hen verloren, Echter, we gaven hen alsnog de wind van voren. Met 25-27 wisten we de eerste set niet binnen te halen, Maar dit alles wist ons niet neer te halen. In de tweede set lieten we ons van een nog betere kant zien, Nee, dat hadden ze zeker niet voorzien. Hierdoor wisten we de tweede set te pakken Hiermee hebben we ons sinterklaascadeau mogen uitpakken. We hadden namelijk voor de WHAM ... Lees meer
Ending 2022 with a defeat in Pigeons 🐦 (Duiven)
Hi everyone 👋👋 Thank you for your patience on this team blog. Actually, we did not want to write this team blog. You will understand that when you look at the outcome of our game against Livo in the Nevobo app 🙁 However, we have a team blog streak to keep alive, so here we are. Even though it is a bit late. Sorry!!!!! First of all, to answer all your questions on Instagram: there are also other birds in Duiven, not just pigeons only 🐦 Second of all, our play was not so nice. We want to apolo... Lees meer
Meest brakke maar beste weddie tot nu toe
De brakke prinsesjes hebben weer een spannende thuiswedstrijd erop. Met als enige samen met Heren 8 in de zaal, was het erg rustig op de tribune. Meteen werd de trommel uit de kast getoverd om ons helemaal klaar te maken om de tegenstanders een poepie te laten ruiken. We waren erg competitief omdat we een gelijkwaardige tegenstander hadden waardoor er lange relies ontstonden. Hierdoor ging het door tot een vijfde set, die we helaas hebben verloren, wat de uiteindelijke stand, 2-3 maakt. De eerste set waren ... Lees meer
Campus update 10/12/2022
############################################################## Dear students, On the day of the prom, we started around 1 pm with cheering on our Gallic coaches. We did also have our lunch there, but it was preceded with a slight miscommunication about the organization, luckily any complications were resolved as the supermarket is so close to the SportsCenter. Next, we would draw your attention to the following: With the arrival of the team pullovers, we have updated the pre-match dress code. Our match star... Lees meer
Campus update 17/12/2022
############################################################## Dear students, A week before the winter break, we played in Albergen against Klumpers VVA. Our preparations started at 1 pm with a lunch at Tom’s place, here we also had a guest-lecture about non-American cultures, as one of our coaches showed us the Gallic tradition of throwing milk on yourself. Furthermore, three Navy Seals were invited, as we were once again not complete. LT. Van Tuil substituded as libero, LT. Bonekamp as reserve-midplayer... Lees meer
Well well well... Just made it
Today we had to honour to play against Mix 2. As naive players enjoying the first ranking place we assumed that this would be easy. Oh boy, were we surprised! Mix 2 seemed off... All red but something was missing. Apparently they decided to unionize against us joining forces of four separate teams to win from us. After an intense match we luckily barely made it after winning 15-13. Mix 2, it was an honour to play against you!... Lees meer
Waar is dat feestje? Hier is dat feestje!
Vorige week heeft Dames 4 hun derde thuiswedstrijd gespeeld, dus hier nog een (laat) wedstrijdverslag!📝 We begonnen de wedstrijd lekker vroeg, om half 11 was de zaal nog best koud dus 5 minuten langer warmlopen moest kunnen🏃🏻♀️ De eerste set zijn we meteen enthousiast begonnen, waarbij ballen links en rechts werden opgedoken en keihard het veld van de tegenstanders ingepompt werden. Helaas verloren we net de laatste twee puntjes, waardoor de set eindigde met 24-26. Zo liep het het grootste d... Lees meer
The win goes to Groep 1 and the Orange Lions… not 🐯😄🦁😭
Welcome again to another team blog!!! 🙋♀️ Last weekend was so much fun! 😄 We did a lot of things. But it was also a bit sad because the Dutch soccer team had lost! 😭 But then it was nice again, while Saskia had her fifth birthday. 🥳 More reason for parties! 🎉 So we had, the next day we went to the gala and Zare, and Inez, and Romy had to dance. 💃💃💃 They were really good at it! We were allowed to stay up waaaaaay past bed time. 🛏️😴Sorry, I get distracted too... Lees meer
Our second Cup match game 🏆
Hi everyoneeeee🙋🏼♀️🙋🏾♂️ Last Wednesday, we had a cup match🏆. That is different then a normal game match🤓↔️. So this blog will also be different because being normal is super boring🐯. Okay let's talk about the cup match game: 🫶🏼 Gents 2 go go go training🏐 Then we go go go set up net🔲 and grey shields☑️ Start running🏃🏼♀️so we go from cold☃️ to warmer⛄ Now we play attack serve to warmer up⛄🌥️ 🪄start cup match🪄 Nice attack... Lees meer
Campus update 03/12/2022
############################################################## Dear students, We would like to give a short summary of all activities that were planned on the 3rd of December. 10.00 | We had game supervision duty, so around 10 am we started with setting up two fields and hanging the banners while standing on top of a "kast*" (and not on a "bok*"). 11.00 | Around 11 am ladies 4 had their match. Although we we quite happy with the heights of the nets, it turned out their net was a few inches short. After this... Lees meer