Alle team blog posts van Harambee

First competition win!

Aloha reader(s), Last Saturday, it was finally time for the first match in which our team was complete. As mentioned in the previous team blog, this meant that we could combine ALL our strengths to have a great match with a good result. The first set started off fairly like we were used to; we were quickly 5-0 down, and later even 17-11 behind, but then we began our comeback. However, where we had 'sometimes' let it slip away in the past, we now managed to win the set 22-25! With this, we had doubled the n... Lees meer

Dames 2 | 22-11-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

Te lange herfststop

Na onze lange herfst stop was het eindelijk weer tijd voor een wedstrijd! En dit was een zeer speciale wedstrijd, want alle biggetjes waren vandaag aanwezig! Zo zijn we vandaag afgerezen naar het verre verre Borne, om het hier tegen Apollo op te nemen. Deze reis ging zoals gewoonlijk totaal niet soepel. Omdat samen lunchen helaas geen optie was, is er besloten om de reis op het station te starten. Hier zouden de auto’s met passagiers vertrekken, en Kim en Lise zouden hun reis per trein vervolgen. Op een e... Lees meer

Dames 3 | 17-11-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

Gents 1 retakes the pole 1 position

On the 9th November, the SC4 arena was once again filled with fired up fans and Gents 1 fighters. This time our opponents were Rivo Rijssen H1. We were expecting a tough game, even the supporters of the opposing team had the guts to come out here and cheer them on. We were hungry for some blood and as ready as we could be. The first set began well, we went point for point in the first few points, but then we were more consistent and the opponent made quite a lot of mistakes. We earned our first lead with so... Lees meer

Heren 1 | 15-11-2024

Another crushing loss

This Wednesday, our team played against Bovo Heren 1. We started off slow, which resulted in us losing the first set in the end. What is disappointing about this loss is that during the second and third set, we managed to play the game that we should always play and had a great lead, with the score of 18-9 and 20-17 in sets 2 and 3 respectively. However, I think that the fear of losing still lingered in our mind, which is why we got flustered and lost both of those sets. The fourth set turned out to be a lo... Lees meer

Heren 3 | 14-11-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

Match against Grol Heren 1

Last Satruday our team has embarked on a journey to challenge the current best team in promotion class B. As much as I would like to say that we fought to the very last second, some doubt could be heard in our voices at the beginning of the match. After some time however, we got back into our own rhythm, but could not close the gap in the score between us and the opponents. The game ended with a 0-4 loss, which is heartbreaking. The team decided after the match, that no matter who our opponents are, we need... Lees meer

Heren 3 | 14-11-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

Still no sign of 'third time's a charm'

Aloha reader(s), Saturday, November 9th marked our fourth competition match of the season. After the first three matches, in which we only managed to win one set, we were again extra motivated to secure some points today. Our opponent, Ti-Volley, provided a good opportunity for us to get back on track, but unfortunately, things did not go as hoped. Despite the energetic encouragement from the crowd and our efforts, luck was not really on our side. We fought hard, but the opponents managed to get at least t... Lees meer

Dames 2 | 14-11-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

Harambee Deux - Apollo 8 HS2

*For english see below*   Beste Kabouters,   Eindelijk mogen onze heren u weer voorzien van een mooi verhaal. Afgelopen vrijdag stond de wedstrijd tegen het grote Apollo 8 H2 op de planning en de boys kwamen met gezonde bravoure naar het sportcentrum. De eerste ontmoeting van het seizoen, op het Apollo toernooi te Borne, gaf onze jongens al wat zelf vertrouwen. We treden liever niet in details, maar de zin “Wat fijn dat we na vandaag de eerste ‘4-0 geen gelul’ mogen bijschrijven.” werd uit versche... Lees meer

Heren 2 | 11-11-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

Das pech, wedstrijd weg

Helaas, de wedstrijd is verplaatst. Maar, dat betekend niet dat dames 3 niet bedrijvig is geweest. Laten we beginnen met de vrijdag, de originele wedstrijd dag. Omdat we zelf niet om 19.00 hoefden te spelen, hebben we onze geweldige voor pinda allergische coach aan kunnen moedigen. Het mocht wel even duren voordat we van zijn speelkunsten konden genieten, want onze lieve Philip kwam pas in de derde set in actie. Omdat Philip in het begin nog niet direct in actie kwam, konden de biggetjes op de tribune hun s... Lees meer

Dames 3 | 11-11-2024

Gents 1 lost their first set, but continue still undefeated

Before we begin, I’d like to take a moment and dedicate a paragraph to our star middle player, Martin. Martin is a great middle, he is there at the most important moments and spikes hard and strong, not to mention his amazing blocking. He recently went through a very unfortunate happening in training and will be out of our lines for some time. All the readers of this blog are with you, Martin, and wish you a quick recovery. The other middles will try to fill your place, which is not an easy thing to do. Y... Lees meer

Heren 1 | 05-11-2024

Reunion with old friend

Aloha reader(s), Already a week and a half ago, it was time for our match against Twente'05 DS1. Some of us had already faced (part) of this team in a preparation tournament at the starting of this academic year. This gave us a heads-up that we needed to stay alert throughout the game. There were also some 'new' faces on their team, including Laura, who now plays there. In the first set, we started strong and built up a nice lead. If you're a regular reader of this blog, you might already guess what happen... Lees meer

Dames 2 | 31-10-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

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