Alle team blog posts van Harambee


Het thema van vandaag is: vergeten. Want het begon al met de taart, die was vergeten. Toen werd er nog snel cake mix gehaald, maar werden de extra ingrediënten voor bij de cakemix vergeten. Uiteindelijk is de cake optijd afgekomen, want we hadden alle tijd wegens onze gezellige brunch met heren 9! Om weer terug te komen op het thema “vergeten”, was Emma ook vergeten de druiven te halen. Bovendien was Merijn vergeten de ballen mee te nemen, gelukkig kwam toen heren 9 tot de resque om onze ballen mee naa... Lees meer

Dames 3 | 19-10-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

The jinx bird...

Aloha dear reader(s): Let us take you on another wave-filled journey through our recent match against Twente-Sparta. Herwin thought it would be a good idea to pin a bird on his vest today, but next time he might want to do a little more research on the type of bird... It turned out to be a jinx bird, which affected our performance. After our previous encounter with Twente-Sparta, where we lost 3-1, we hoped to take revenge and secure the victory this time... The first set started promisingly. We rode the wa... Lees meer

Dames 2 | 16-10-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

Harambee Deux - WEVO ‘70 Hs1

*For english, see below*   Lieve superfan,   voor ik u vertel over het schouwspel van afgelopen zaterdag, willen we u vragen om een gunst. Omdat het bestuur van Harambee, om onverklaarbare redenen, geen marketing budget voor ons wilt vrijstellen vragen we u onze mond tot mond vertegenwoordiger te worden. Stuur dit bericht naar minstens 5 volleybal liefhebbers (die ons nog niet volgen), laat ze @HarambeeDeux volgen en DM ons bewijs. Een van de gelukkigen die dit doet maakt kans op een grote prijs die wij a... Lees meer

Heren 2 | 16-10-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

A Battle of Five Sets Against Tornax Heren 1

This weekend, we faced Tornax Heren 1 in what turned out to be a nail-biting five-set battle. Tornax came out strong, taking the first two sets with solid play, and an uncommon approach of playing C attacks and putting us on the back foot early. But instead of folding, we regrouped, found our rhythm, and turned the tide, winning the next two sets to even the score. With the momentum on our side and a comeback within reach, we entered the final set with high hopes. However, Tornax quickly gained the upper ha... Lees meer

Heren 3 | 15-10-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

eLeffen meets X

October 12th marked our first win of the season after the upset against Gents 9. Gents 10 gave us a good fight, but we knew that this match belonged to us and ended up taking that W with a score of 3-1. Set 1 was a slow start, with points coming our way almost non-stop and we ended up taking a 25-9 set, guaranteeing us a pitcher. We were smelling victory and we were already planning to bankrupt our coach Johannes. We met set 2 with a couple of surprises, as our brother duo had a bit of a hungover problem an... Lees meer

Heren 11 | 13-10-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

Bewerk team blog post

Apperantly you can make posts on your own team page. 'VO voor de nerds, 'VO voor de koning en 'VO voor mix 6... Lees meer

Mix 6 | 13-10-2024

Exiting game!

Start playing volleyball - join the mix - it's nice and chill - (borat impression) NOT!  The first game already put Mix 6 to the test! Having started later than sheduled (more time to warm up, which we used chatting) we clearly won our first set with 10 points. Second set, Mix 6 won after being 8 points behind! We don't talk about the following two sets (other than: Use both hands) Last set it was very spannend. But eventually.. mix 6 came out on top!  ... Lees meer

Mix 6 | 13-10-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

Verbrande uitjes kunnen ook heel lekker zijn

Het is weer vrijdag en dus is de volgende wedstrijd van dames 3 biggetjes weer aangebroken. We konden lekker dineren bij Lianne op het onvindbare achterste huis van de witbreuksweg. Lise en Lianne hebben er uitgebreid geëxperimenteerd met het frituren van uitjes. Uiteindelijk werden het iets te knapperige uitjes (men noemt dat ook weleens verbrand). Echter heeft niemand het doorgehad en smaakte de orzo heerlijk! Na de lange fietstocht over campus en nog een koffietje of energiedrankje, konden we eraan begi... Lees meer

Dames 3 | 11-10-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

Gents 1 13:0 run

Last Saturday, 5th of October, the MM1 team had a chance to play their first 3rd division match against LIVO HS1. Going into the game, the tensions were high, however our fighters were ready to face the opponent and prepared to bash some balls into their side of the court. LIVO is a team that does not give up and we were ready to destroy their fighting spirit. The first set began with a few service mistakes from both sides, however after that we began our road to victory with the first attack by Martin, who... Lees meer

Heren 1 | 08-10-2024

First competition point!

Aloha reader(s), Let us take you to the tropical vibes of last Saturday, when we played a match, had a nice team date with Gents 2, and wrapped up the day with the team presentations. First up, we faced Eurosped Pollux in our first competition match. It did not start smoothly: there was some confuction about which court we would be playing on: the middle court or the left one? Initially, it seemend like it would be the left court, but soon we heard that we had to play on the middle one. And later, just when... Lees meer

Dames 2 | 08-10-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

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