Alle team blog posts van Harambee

Dilemma time

Aloha reader(s), Saturday, November 23, we faced Volley '68 DS1. And although the match was scheduled at 1 p.m., meaning that we would start the warming-up at 12.15 p.m., it turned out that the match before us had yet to start their fourth set at that time. Since that left us with some time to spare, we decided to go back into the hallway where it was a little warmer and do some team bonding. Thus, we got to know each other better by bombarding each other with dilemmas, such as: what do you prefer, always ... Lees meer

Dames 2 | 04-12-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

A refreshing win

The previous Saturday our team played against a lower ranked team in the league, Apollo 8 Heren 3. At the beginning we were still shy, since we forgot the taste of victory and got conditioned after being defeated heavily twice in a row with the scores of 4-0. However, even though we lost the first set, we jumped back on our feet and won the next three sets with consistent effort.... Lees meer

Heren 3 | 01-12-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

Game against Avior Heren 3

This Saturday, the team had to take a long journey to Deventer in order to face the opponents. During pre-game lunch, an unsolved mystery showed itself in the form of snail tracks on the floor of a house. We had to leave the investigation, since we had an important match to attend to. After losing the first set, we realized that even though the opponents clearly outperformed us, we could not leave the field without having tried our all in order to win. Therefore, afterwards the whole team started trying to ... Lees meer

Heren 3 | 01-12-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

Gents 1 lost their first set of the season (in third division)

On the 15th of November, a week after completely annihilating Rivo Rijsen H1, we were faced against Monica’s other team – Volley’68 HS1. Already before the match during warming up something felt a bit off with our warriors. The hitting wasn’t going too well and in general there was some nervousness in the air. Out of the gate, the opponents started well and therefore we were trailing by a few points. We were able to make a comeback and get ahead by a few points with successful blocking and attacking... Lees meer

Heren 1 | 30-11-2024

"Let je de volgende keer wel een beetje op voetfout"

Een nieuwe wedstrijd betekent nieuwe kansen om lol te hebben, goed te spelen, en wellicht zelfs wat punten te pakken. De zaterdagochtend begon vroeg, met een heerlijk ontbijt bij Sophie om half 10. Na de zoveelste logistieke puzzel te hebben gelegd: spelers met de autos die van verschillende kanten kwamen, spelers met de trein, druiven ophalen onderweg, en uiteindelijk allemaal om 11:15 in de sporthal in Oldenzaal zijn. Waar wij dachten dat het ingewikkelde deel van de dag gedaan was, hebben we ons toch ver... Lees meer

Dames 3 | 30-11-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

Dominating match against Vips H2

On the 28th of November, after a two week break from games, Gents 1 warriors were ready to get back in the ring to battle it out with Vips Bardot H2. The opposing team had the home court advantage and the home court ball – horrible Gala ball, however we were unfaced by these factors. We will bring the heat wherever and in whichever conditions. We started a bit rough, being 4:2 behind, as the receiving was a bit rough and scoring was not working. However, we made the necessary changes and within a few poin... Lees meer

Heren 1 | 30-11-2024


Afgelopen vrijdag was het weer tijd voor een fenomenale wedstrijd. Laten we eerst eventjes uitgebreid de weg erna toe bespreken.    Voor de wedstrijd hebben we onze lichamen natuurlijk eerst van krachtvoer moeten voorzien. Zo gingen Kim en Lise de winkel in met als missie een goedkoop, simpel, lekker, gezond maaltje te maken. Met wat hulp van een erg vriendelijke Lidl medewerker stond dit duo al snel aan de kassa met het avondeten + een heerlijk toetje. En dames en heren, goedkoop is gelukt, want inclusie... Lees meer

Dames 3 | 24-11-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

First competition win!

Aloha reader(s), Last Saturday, it was finally time for the first match in which our team was complete. As mentioned in the previous team blog, this meant that we could combine ALL our strengths to have a great match with a good result. The first set started off fairly like we were used to; we were quickly 5-0 down, and later even 17-11 behind, but then we began our comeback. However, where we had 'sometimes' let it slip away in the past, we now managed to win the set 22-25! With this, we had doubled the n... Lees meer

Dames 2 | 22-11-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

Te lange herfststop

Na onze lange herfst stop was het eindelijk weer tijd voor een wedstrijd! En dit was een zeer speciale wedstrijd, want alle biggetjes waren vandaag aanwezig! Zo zijn we vandaag afgerezen naar het verre verre Borne, om het hier tegen Apollo op te nemen. Deze reis ging zoals gewoonlijk totaal niet soepel. Omdat samen lunchen helaas geen optie was, is er besloten om de reis op het station te starten. Hier zouden de auto’s met passagiers vertrekken, en Kim en Lise zouden hun reis per trein vervolgen. Op een e... Lees meer

Dames 3 | 17-11-2024 | Wedstrijdverslag

Gents 1 retakes the pole 1 position

On the 9th November, the SC4 arena was once again filled with fired up fans and Gents 1 fighters. This time our opponents were Rivo Rijssen H1. We were expecting a tough game, even the supporters of the opposing team had the guts to come out here and cheer them on. We were hungry for some blood and as ready as we could be. The first set began well, we went point for point in the first few points, but then we were more consistent and the opponent made quite a lot of mistakes. We earned our first lead with so... Lees meer

Heren 1 | 15-11-2024

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