Alle posts van Dames 1 2022

The teamblog is late... 🕘 You know what that means ☹️

Our regular readers probably know by now that if we lost our game😭, the teamblog is very late. 💩And also, if we won our game🥳, the teamblog is also late. 👾 As you understand now, we lost last Friday.☹️ It is a very sad story.🫠 We were in Apeldoorn very on time🧐, because some of us went by train and the car drivers had to beat a possible snowstorm.🥶🆘🌨️ Well, we won from the snowstorm because it was not there.❌🌬️🆒Unfortunately, our opponent was there🏖️ but it wo... Lees meer

Dames 1 | 27-01-2023 | Wedstrijdverslag

Volleyball 101 1️⃣🏐1️⃣

Last Monday, Spiker ladies 1 from Eerbeek taught us how you should play a good cup match.👏🏼 They played very well and overall, they were really nice opponents.💛💙 Unfortunately, we did not reach our own volleyball level at any point during the game.👎🏼☹️ In the first set, we were getting used to the ball, the court, just as we normally do. 🏐 (🥶 (🫠 We were scoring balls, but we were also making (a lot of) mistakes❌. We got behind💩, but then Mette👧🏼 came in with amazing... Lees meer

Dames 1 | 19-01-2023

How we wish all weekends were like this one 💜🧡🕺🏼

Phew, what a weekend we had! 🤩🐯🥳🥁👏🏼🏐🥵🏅💜🧡🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺 But oh, how we wish all weekends were like these.😍 As most of you know, our opponent announced that they would come to Enschede with a tour bus full of supporters.🚌 And so, we asked YOU to come and support us.😎 As a result of that, we had to trek a lot of baks.✨ But it was all worth it.🫶🏼 In addition to that, we also participated in a very memorable crazy 99 challenge9️⃣9️⃣ ... Lees meer

Dames 1 | 15-01-2023 | Wedstrijdverslag

Ending 2022 with a defeat in Pigeons 🐦 (Duiven)

Hi everyone 👋👋 Thank you for your patience on this team blog. Actually, we did not want to write this team blog. You will understand that when you look at the outcome of our game against Livo in the Nevobo app 🙁 However, we have a team blog streak to keep alive, so here we are. Even though it is a bit late. Sorry!!!!! First of all, to answer all your questions on Instagram: there are also other birds in Duiven, not just pigeons only 🐦 Second of all, our play was not so nice. We want to apolo... Lees meer

Dames 1 | 08-01-2023 | Wedstrijdverslag

The win goes to Groep 1 and the Orange Lions… not 🐯😄🦁😭

Welcome again to another team blog!!! 🙋‍♀️ Last weekend was so much fun! 😄 We did a lot of things. But it was also a bit sad because the Dutch soccer team had lost! 😭 But then it was nice again, while Saskia had her fifth birthday. 🥳 More reason for parties! 🎉 So we had, the next day we went to the gala and Zare, and Inez, and Romy had to dance. 💃💃💃 They were really good at it! We were allowed to stay up waaaaaay past bed time. 🛏️😴Sorry, I get distracted too... Lees meer

Dames 1 | 12-12-2022 | Wedstrijdverslag

Our second Cup match game 🏆

Hi everyoneeeee🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏾‍♂️   Last Wednesday, we had a cup match🏆. That is different then a normal game match🤓↔️. So this blog will also be different because being normal is super boring🐯. Okay let's talk about the cup match game: 🫶🏼 Gents 2 go go go training🏐 Then we go go go set up net🔲 and grey shields☑️ Start running🏃🏼‍♀️so we go from cold☃️ to warmer⛄ Now we play attack serve to warmer up⛄🌥️ 🪄start cup match🪄 Nice attack... Lees meer

Dames 1 | 06-12-2022 | Wedstrijdverslag

We learned English, winning and who Marten de Roon is🧡

Last week, your favourite ladies 1 team learned English in Groep 1. 🤓 So from now on, you read all of our Instagramposts and teamblogs in below average English. 🫖 Because we are still only in Groep 1, duh.💕   On Saturday, we goed to Tubbergen🏔️. But they do not have bergen!!😠🙀 It was super weird. But it was a nice trip in the big car of Saskia 🚌 and the smaller car of Romy 🚗. In Tubbergen, they also have problems with to start playing on time.⏰ We also have that!! 🫶🏼 So u... Lees meer

Dames 1 | 27-11-2022 | Wedstrijdverslag

Gele meisjes en een gladde vloer

Hoi allemaal!!!🤗 gisteren mochten wij weer volleyballen yes🥇🏐🐯 gisteren waren alle meisjes en Ron en Taco er weer bij en dat vond ik heel leuk 🥰 Inez was er ook maar zij heeft auwa dus mag niet spelen😭 De wedstrijd begon 6 uur in de avond en dat was super stom want dat is etenstijd☹️ Sommige meisjes wilden in de kantine eten en gingen eerder in de auto 🚗 , maar toen was iedereen er alsnog op dezelfde tijd😝🤯 we gingen in de kantine zitten en de kantine was heel hoog ik denk wel... Lees meer

Dames 1 | 20-11-2022 | Wedstrijdverslag

Droge Krekkers --> laat verhaaltje

Vorige week speelden we tegen de Krekkers🥪. Wij houden niet van krekkers🍞 want die zijn droog, dus kunnen we nu pas een verhaaltje schrijven.🖊️ Het begon helemaal niet goed want Inez heeft een hele zere enkel🥺 en toen was blonde Saskia👩🏼 er ook niet😢. En toen was Mette opeens ziek en toen waren we heel verdrietig😭. En toen ging het niet goed met eten want we hadden gehakt maar Zare is helemaal vegetarisch dus het ging niet goed🍝. En toen moesten we tellen bij heren 2 en fluiten ... Lees meer

Dames 1 | 20-11-2022 | Wedstrijdverslag

1 + 1 = 2 keer spelen

Zoals jullie allemaal weten is het in groep 1 heeeeeeeel druk op school.🧑🏽‍🏫 We moesten allemaal papiertjes volschrijven en inleveren en we moesten ook nog toetsen doen op school. 📓🖊️ Niet volleybal toetsen en ook niet CITO toetsen maar we moesten zelf allemaal dingen uit ons hoofd leren en dan op school opschrijven waar het over ging. 🤓 Iedereen was heel druk. Dus daarom kunnen we nu pas vertellen over het spelen, twee keer (dat is 1 + 1)! 🧡💜 Eerst mochten we thuis spelen, heeee... Lees meer

Dames 1 | 10-11-2022

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